Halloween BOOnanza 2022

Fri Oct 28th, 5:30-8 pm

Enjoy a Family FUN night with classic Halloween carnival games and other activities. Event created by Nibley City Recreation and held @ Heritage Elementary. 

event info

SPOOKtacular Tour
A self guided tour of award winning Halloween Decorating Contest homes, available until Halloween.

Spooktacular tour

Family Costume Contest
FREE but limited to 10 families: every entry must include at least one Parent, Grandparent, or Legal Guardian. Pre-registration is highly recommended to secure an entry opportunity at the event
Prizes include: Nibley Rec Ultimate Family Pass, Eccles Ice Center Family Pass, American West Heritage Center Membership, Duck N Dodge Nerf Tag Party, Tickets to an Antics Improv Show, passes to the Logan Aquatics Center, Gift Certificates from Little Sprouts Resale Boutique and more.


Hula Hoop Contest
While we wait for the family costume contest judges to deliberate, we will call up by age category contestants to see who can Hula Hoop the longest with the possibility of a few challenges to negotiate. Thanks to wonderful local businesses we have plenty to give away to make it fun for everyone.

Candy Guess
At the entry to the event find a container with lots of candy, how many pieces are in it? The closest guess gets all the candy and the container. One guess per person in attendance, Winner notified by text the week following the event. Entries will also be drawn for a Youth Sports Registration and a Nibley Fit Quarterly Pass. FYI we are also offering a separate Candy Guess Container for an online guess on Facebook.

nibley city facebook

THRILLER Dance tutorial
 NOT actually a contest just a fun way to get moving for Halloween. Brought to you by our Nibley Fit Program.

Actual Event Layout (tap/click to enlarge)

Enjoy a FREE Family FUN night with traditional Halloween carnival type games and innovative NEW themed activities. Earn your BOOnanza bag filled with candy and other FREE stuff from local businesses by completing your activity card.

Activities include:
A variety of fun activities for all ages are available. This year we have included all the favorites from past events! There are classic halloween activities and others inspired by Star Wars, Super Heros, Video Games, Harry Potter, Encanto, and Sing 2.

Special thanks to Imagine This for an exceptional craft activitiy!

Food, drinks, and tasty treats available to purchase from some local favorites at the event:

One of our communities favorite events to volunteer for, available opportunities often fill up quickly. Costumes are not required but are encouraged.

volunteer registration

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