Thank you for licensing your dog(s) with Nibley City in accordance with Nibley City Code 9.02.050!
Nibley City Code (NCC) 19.34 Animal Land Use Regulations states the following:
The maximum number of dogs per household is two (2). A kennel license which meets the requirements of NCC 9.02.050, may be approved by designated Nibley City Staff for a third dog for residential lots greater than or equal to 0.75 acres (NCC 19.34.050).
Your dog must be licensed with the city within 30 days of moving into city limits or at 6 months of age.
If you have two (2) dogs to register, you will need to submit a separate license application for each dog. When the form has been submitted, Nibley City Staff will review the completed application. Once your dog license application has been approved, you will receive a payment link by email. The dog license process is not complete until Nibley City Staff receives payment for each individual dog license. Payment received for one dog license application does not include fees due for any additional dog license application.
Dog licenses must be renewed on an annual basis. Licenses that are not renewed annually are in violation of Nibley City Code.
Dog year: March 1st through the end of February.
If you see any person and/or entity violating Nibley City Code in relation to the number of dogs being kept, the failure to license each individual dog, and/or allowing their dogs to be at large (i.e. without a leash), please contact Cache County Animal Control at (435) 753-7555. Additionally, you can contact Nibley City Staff at (435) 752-0431 for questions about code, regulations, licensing requirements, and license renewal.
Proof of current rabies vaccination is required. The health and safety of our residents is important to us, therefore registrations will not be accepted without this proof. In order to receive the fee discount, documentation is also required for altered dogs.
Please be aware that Cache County Animal Control enforces licensing. As always, make sure your dog is leashed and picked up after.
For more dog licensing information please contact
Nibley City
Annual Fees are as follows
Spayed or Neutered Dogs – $25.00
Unaltered Dogs – $35.00
Kennel License – $30.00 (required for 3 or more dogs upon approval of application)
Early Bird Discount $10 off if paid before March 1st