Planning & Zoning

Nibley City’s Planning Department is responsible for short-range planning, long-range planning, code development, code enforcement, building inspections and plan reviews, and assisting Nibley City residents and other organizations with any land use questions or plans.

Planning Commission Members

Clair Schenk, Chair Serving until January 31, 2028

Bret Swenson, Vice Chair Serving until January 31, 2025

Tyler Obray Serving until January 31, 2027

Karina Brown Serving until January 31, 2025

Nick Kenczka Serving until January 31, 2027

Troy Ribao, Alternate until January 31, 2028

Levi Roberts
City Planner

Nibley Transfer of Development Rights Program

Nibley City recently adopted a transfer of development rights ordinance to allow for more opportunities to preserve valuable open space. The ordinance was adopted as NCC 19.48. The ordinance includes the adoption of a Nibley City TDR Overlay Zoning Map.

learn more

MISSION: Our mission is to make life better for Nibley City residents

VISION: We envision a community where residents, businesses, and government work together to develop the City in harmony with its natural environment, historical surroundings, and in accordance with the General Plan.

VALUES: We value fiscally sound municipal services and a safe attractive, creative, and viable community.

Zoning on each parcel may change through approval by the City Council. A development may apply for a Cluster Subdivision, Open Space Subdivision or R-PUD overlay which allows for smaller lot sizes and/or increased density of the underlying zone.

Nibley City Master Plans

Nibley City adopted the latest General Plan in 2016 and has adopted several Master Plans, which can be found by pressing the button below.

nibley city general & master plans

Planning Commission

Planning Commission meetings are normally held the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. The meeting schedule may be found at the link below. All applications must be in compliance with Nibley City Code and are subject to Staff-level review to ensure conformance prior to being placed on the Planning Commission agenda.

Planning Commission Schedule Planning Commission Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Nibley City Code and Standards

Building and Impact Fees

Nibley City building permits and impact fee information can be found here.

building department

Impact fees are one-time charges imposed by local governments to mitigate the impact new development has on local infrastructure. Residential and business growth requires the City to expand or enlarge our public facilities to maintain the level and quality of service we provide through our water, sewer, parks and road systems. New growth pays for that expansion and enlargement so that all residents can benefit from our facilities and services.

Nibley City charges impact fees upon issuance of a building permit for new residential, commercial or industrial construction. Impact fees are not charged for remodels, accessory buildings or additions, unless the addition is large enough to necessitate changing the size of the water meter.

The Property Rights Ombudsman for the State of Utah is an excellent resource for understanding impact fees.  Information can be found at: