Mixed Residential Ordinance

Annexation and High Density Housing – Mayor Dustin’s Message

Nibley Mixed Residential Ordinance – Approved on April 15

The landowner and developer of a 38 acre piece of property, north of Clear Creek Park, has petitioned to annex to Logan. Nibley could potentially welcome these new residents and receive the adequate revenue to service the City if we consider a new approach to zoning the property. Nibley City recently adopted a Mixed Residential Housing Ordinance for this specific area. The Nibley City Council officially adopted the ordinance on April 15, 2021. This new zoning designation will allow for residential housing development of up to 20 units per acre for this limited unincorporated area that Nibley City has planned for annexation, in addition to supportive commercial development. Here is a link to the approved ordinance: Final Mixed Residential Housing Ordinance

More about WHY and HOW

The following 2 1/2 minute video explains why Nibley City has adopted this ordinance.


Virtual Town Hall Meeting
Thank-you to everyone that joined us for a virtual town hall meeting (on Zoom) on March 31. Several residents joined us to learn more and share ideas and concerns. We appreciate your feedback!

Mayor’s Message
In the Mayor’s message, he explains the annexation situation in greater detail.

Mayor's message