Running and Biking Trails

Biking, Running and Walking in Nibley

Nibley City would like to encourage all of our citizens to experience our city’s trails and routes system. Using these facilities can be a fun and healthy way to get around town and to exercise. We also urge our citizens to be safe while using our trails and routes. The following tips are some safety guidelines while using these facilities.

Trails and routes system

Pedestrian safety tips

Pedestrians should use sidewalks when available. If there are not any sidewalks available, pedestrians should walk/run against traffic on the side of the road.

Pedestrians should use marked and unmarked crosswalks when crossing the street.

Walk/Run where drivers can see you.

Wear bright colored clothing during the day and light-colored or reflective clothing at night.

  • Be extra alert at intersections: watch for turning vehicles
  • Watch for vehicles exiting and entering driveways and parking lots.
  • Make eye contact with drivers. Assume they do not see you.
  • Avoid Road Hazards. Watch for storm drain grates, slippery manhole covers, oily pavement, gravel and ice.
  • Don’t get distracted.
  • Be aware of traffic around you and be prepared to take evasive action.

bicycle safety tips

  • Ride with traffic and obey all regulatory signs and traffic signals. By law, bicyclists are required to ride in the same direction as automobile traffic.
  • Act like a car and obey the same laws as motorists.
  • Use the rightmost lane that heads in the direction that you are traveling.
  • When on sidewalks, stay under 10 mph and be careful of pedestrians and while crossing streets. Pedestrians have the right of way on all city sidewalks.

Use hand and arm signals to indicate your intention to stop, merge or turn. Signal as a courtesy and for safety as required by law.

Whenever possible, ride in a straight line, to the right of traffic, at about a car doors width away from parked cars.

  • Ride where drivers can see you.
  • Wear bright colored clothing during the day and light-colored or reflective clothing at night.
  • Always use a strong headlight and tail light and good reflectors when riding at night, as required by law.
  • Be extra alert at intersections – watch for turning vehicles and vehicles exiting driveways.
  • Make eye contact with drivers. Assume they do not see you.
  • Avoid Road Hazards. Watch for storm drain grates, slippery manhole covers, oily pavement, gravel and ice. Cross railroad tracks at right angles.
  • Don’t get distracted – don’t listen to music or talk on the phone while riding.
  • Be aware of traffic around you and be prepared to take evasive action.
  • Learn braking and turning techniques to avoid crashes.
  • Wear a Helmet- Helmets reduce the risk of serious injury by 85%.
  • Make sure that the helmet fits on top of your head, not tipped back or forward.
  • After a crash or any impact that affects your helmet, visible or not, replace it immediately.
  • Bikes must be equipped with working brakes.
  • Check your brakes and wheels. Make sure the wheels are properly secured.
  • Purchase the best locking system you can afford. Lock the frame and front wheel to a fixed object.

Check out the Cache Valley Biking Guide for more information and valley bike routes.

cache valley biking guide